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World Bible School (Bible Study)

Enroll yourself in a Bible Study at World Bible School.

You can study via secure website, email or postal mail. They teach to more than 2 million students.

You can sign up from their website here: World Bible School

To study via Postal mail you will receive the materials for free. Once you get to their website, click "Sign up for free." At the end of the page you will see "Internet Unreliable?" Click it and fill up the forms with your full postal address.

After receiving the materials, you have to study and send back the answers to questions. The will check your answers and mail back your answers and enabling you to continue to the next course. After finishing all the series they will send you a Certificate of Completion. And again, all the lessons and materials are for free.

An introduction of the Bible Study course is below:
The World Bible School Courses – The Master Series

Introduction Lesson – “The Way to Life” A brief one-lesson introduction
The Bible is relevant to human kind, presenting God to man. How did we get the Bible? Is it trustworthy? Does it apply to me, today? What is the “Good News” of the Bible?

God Has Spoken” 8 lessons
God reveals Himself and His will for you in the Bible. What does God say about Himself? Who is the Holy Spirit? How can I be “right with God”?

This is Good News! 9 lessons
God’s message in the Bible is “good news”! How does God want me to respond to it? What is faith that “saves”? How can I be sure about my faith? What do I receive from God’s good news?

Knowing Jesus 7 lessons
Jesus makes remarkable promises to those who “know” Him. How can I know Jesus? What do prophets and eye-witnesses say about Him? Is Jesus God’s Son? Why did He die? Is He alive today?

Born of Water and Spirit 8 lessons
Jesus speaks of being “born again” to live a new life. What does He mean? Can I really have a fresh start in life? Why is the cross so important? How can I face death with assurance?

The Family of God 8 lessons, plus extensive study helps
God has chosen a family of His very own—and He wants you to be a part of it. Who has God chosen? Me? How can I know? What does the word “church” really mean? What is His purpose for my life?

Live a Life of Love 13 lessons, plus extensive study helps
God offers every single person a new purpose and a joyful life. How does He want me to live? Can I really change? Is the Holy Spirit real-and really at work in my life? How can I help others?

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