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To be a Mother


Your mom carried you in her womb for nine months.
She felt sick for months with nausea,
then she watched her feet swell
and her skin stretch and tear.

She struggled to climb stairs.
She got breathless quickly.
She suffered many sleepless night.
She then went through
to bring you into this world.

She became your nurse, your chef, your maid,
your chauffeur, your biggest fan, your teacher,
and your best friend.
She struggled for you, cried over you,
hoped the best for you, and prayed for you.
Most of us take our mom for granted.
But there are people who have lost or never seen theirs.

Take time to thank Mothers.
For those who have lost their mother, we have God as our Shepherd, Companion, Helper, Strength, and everything.

I was given over to You at birth; You have been my God from my mother's womb.
Psalm 22:10


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1 comment:

  1. My mother was like said in the advertising, she went all the way duting her lifetime for me giving me the best she can.
    Her name was Iona, means Dove in Hebrew. even if she refuse to know Yehua like me and my father, her bahavior was what Yehua asked the belivers to be and to do, she was Jewish and i hope she new him secreatly as i adviesd her. (at list)
