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Ravi Zacharias (Videos Part 1)

Ravi Zacharias is the author of numerous Christian books, including Gold Medallion Book Award winner Can Man Live Without God? and bestsellers Light in the Shadow of Jihad and The Grand Weaver. He is the founder and chairman of the board of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries, host of the radio programs Let My People Think and Just Thinking 
(heard weekly and daily, respectively, on Christian stations across the U.S.), and visiting professor at Wycliffe Hall of Oxford, where he teaches apologetics and evangelism. Previously, Zacharias studied as a visiting scholar at Cambridge University and held the chair in Evangelism and Contemporary Thought at Alliance Theological Seminary from 1981 to 1984. Commentator Chuck Colson referred to Zacharias as "the great apologist of our time." (Courtesy: Wikipedia)
Watch his videos from RZIM Website or watch below.

Why the Bible? Ravi at the University of Illinois
Politics and religion - where should the two intersect?
The Law of Non-Contradiction and the Trinity
What are the boundaries of beauty?
Is Western culture deteriorating?
Compulsion in religion and the freedom to disbelieve
Postmodernism: is it a new idea?
Maintaining a Godly Perspective in the Classroom
Atheism, Feminism, and the Bible
How to approach people in non-adversarial ways with the Gospel

Why the Bible? Ravi Zacharias at the University of Illinois.
Why the Bible? Why a person should belive the Bible as the Word of God? Why they should bascicaly believe every Word It says? Why they should give entire life to Christ? Watch Ravi Zacharias answers these question in a simple and clear way.(For two evenings, Ravi Zacharias answers hard-hitting questions from a student-packed auditorium at University of Illinois)
Compulsion in religion and the freedom to disbelieve
In a recent event from the Atlanta Civic Center, Ravi Zacharias answers a tough question about religious freedom- specifically the freedom to disbelieve- in other countries. From the DVD titled "Is America Really Christian."
Politics and religion - where should the two intersect?
"Anytime religion is politicized it's in danger of extinction," Ravi Zacharias states. Politics and religion - where should the two intersect? How should this look in society? Watch this short video as Ravi Zacharias addresses a thought-provoking question from a student at Penn State University.
Postmodernism: is it a new idea?

Is postmodern a new idea or can it be found in the first three chapters of Genesis? Do words have any meaning or do you make up your own meaning with words? "Word and reality have to match or you amputate description from fact," Ravi answers. Watch the entire exchange as Ravi Zacharias answers the question of postmodernism versus Hellenism at Penn State University.
The Law of Non-Contradiction and the Trinity
Ravi Zacharias addresses a packed audience at Penn State University and answers a question about the law of non-contradiction and the Trinity.
Maintaining a Godly Perspective in the Classroom
How can one maintain a Godly perspective in the classroom? Watch Ravi Zacharias answer this question and explore other ideas (Why isn't there freedom to have a counter perspective? How can we preserver that which is sacred?) in this week's video recorded at Penn State University.
What are the boundaries of beauty?

What are the boundaries of beauty? The arts? Does your worldview dictate how you see art and beauty? Ravi Zacharias explores these questions at Penn State University.
Atheism, Feminism, and the Bible
Ravi Zacharias responds to a student's question about atheism, feminism, and the Bible at Penn State University. Ravi asks, "When someone denies the existence of God, what are they affirming in its place?" Watch as Ravi exposes how some atheists borrow from a Judeo-Christian worldview to debunk it.
Is Western culture deteriorating?
Is Western culture deteriorating? Have we lost the definition of life, home, self, and university? Ravi discusses these topics and more in this question and answer.
How to approach people in non-adversarial ways with the Gospel
In a question from Penn State University a student asks Ravi Zacharias how to approach people in non-adversarial ways with the Gospel. Ravi on sharing one's faith: "The Christian has to learn that it is not only his or her message but also his or her method." Ravi continues, "If the method is in violation of the message the people will see it very quickly."
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Ravi Zacharias Videos(Videos Part 2)

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